Privacy Policy

SEMANA SANTA LUXURY EXPERIENCE, in application of the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD UE 2016/679) and the Organic Law on Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights (LO 3/2018), develops the following policy that governs the different data processing activities carried out by this entity:

HOLY WEEK LUXURY EXPERIENCE informs that the personal data collected through its website are included in the automated files owned by Fernando de la Cueva Ortega, and which have implemented appropriate security measures to guarantee accessibility, integrity and availability of the data stored therein.

Who processes your data?


Comercial designation:

SEMANA SANTA LUXURY EXPERIENCE (Fernando de la Cueva Ortega).



Tax domicile address:

Glorieta de las Cigarreras nº1, C.P.: 41011, Sevilla.

Electronic address:

What data must you provide us for the correct provision of the services offered??

All the data requested by SEMANA SANTA LUXURY EXPERIENCE and provided by you are necessary for the correct achievement of the purposes set out above., with strict compliance with the principles of purpose limitation and data minimization, included in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) UE 2016/679.

If you do not provide us with the requested data, HOLY WEEK LUXURY EXPERIENCE will be unable to develop the commercial relationship with the appropriate quality standards.. Such data are the following:


Treatment Activity

Data Categories

If you request an invoice


Identification data: Name and surname.

Location data: Accommodation identification and address.

Financial data: credit/debit card.

It should also facilitate:

-Identification document.

-Postal address.


Contact information: phone and email.

*The above is understood without prejudice to those data that, by legal imperative or contractual relationship, is necessary to obtain.

What is the purpose for which your data is intended??

The general purpose for which SEMANA SANTA LUXURY EXPERIENCE obtains your data is the correct management of the provision of guided “tours” service during Holy Week..

For your greater knowledge, We specify the specific purposes for which the data you provide us are used., depending on the different processing of personal data:


Treatment Activity

Purpose for which the data is collected


Contracting and management of service provision.

Facilitate the realization of “tours” due to proximity to the client.

Billing of the contracted service.


Sending information necessary for the development of the provision of services.

Sudden incidents that alter the provision of services.

What is the basis that legitimizes the processing of your data??

The legitimizing basis of the treatment activities carried out during HOLY WEEK LUXURY EXPERIENCE, are the following:


Treatment Activity

Legal basis that allows data processing


Informed consent.


How long do we keep your data?

Your data will be held by SEMANA SANTA LUXURY EXPERIENCE during specified deadlines/criteria. Once its validity has expired, we will proceed to the elimination and destruction of all the data provided by you.


Treatment Activity



Identification and contact information: 2 years.

Location data: 2 months.

Billing information: 4 years.


By email: 2 years.

Via WhatsApp: 6 months.

The stated deadlines/criteria will be met without prejudice to the application of higher deadlines/criteria imposed by legal obligations..

What rights can you exercise??

Taking into account the current legislation on the matter, You are provided with a list of rights that you can exercise by sending your request to the attention of the Data Protection Officer. (DPO) a Such rights are the following:


Obtaining confirmation about the processing of your data and the possibility of accessing those held by the Data Controller.


Possibility of completing or rectifying incomplete or inaccurate data held by the Data Controller.


Requirement for removal, by the Data Controller, of all the data in their possession about the interested party.


Requirement to the Data Controller to cease the processing activities that concern the data in its possession about the interested party.


Request to send the data to the interested party or to a new Data Controller indicated in a structured format, commonly used and machine readable, as long as available technology allows it.


Possibility of blocking the processing of your data (except its conservation) for any activity that has not been specifically consented to by the interested party.

*You can revoke the consent given at any time., through the same means that are made available to you for the exercise of the other rights mentioned.

HOLY WEEK LUXURY EXPERIENCE will acknowledge receipt of your request and will manage it within the legally established period of one month., in which you will receive notification of the actions carried out in response to the request.

Occasionally, The resolution of your request may be extended for two more months, informing you of this within the period indicated in the previous paragraph..

The relevant body for handling user complaints is the State Data Protection Agency. (AEPD).

Who provides us with your data?

The data that HOLY WEEK LUXURY EXPERIENCE obtained through this website are provided, In a direct way, by its users. That is to say, It is the interested parties themselves who enter their data and provide it to us.

HOLY WEEK LUXURY EXPERIENCE presumes the veracity and accuracy of the data entered, as well as their ownership by the user. HOLY WEEK LUXURY EXPERIENCE is not responsible for the introduction of personal data in the forms of this website by third parties other than the owner of the data..

To whom is your data transferred or communicated??

The data that you provide us is communicated to third parties outside SEMANA SANTA LUXURY EXPERIENCE that are specified below., with which the mandatory Treatment Commission Contract remains in force and the appropriate security measures have been implemented:


Treatment Activity

Third parties outside the company


Banking entity.

Fiscal advisor.


Email service provider (IONIC).


*The above is provided without prejudice to communications to authorities, Courts and tribunals, Administrations or public organizations due to legal imperative.

Are automated decisions made or profiles created??

HOLY WEEK LUXURY EXPERIENCE does not carry out automated decision-making processes or create profiles as a direct or indirect consequence of obtaining the data you provide..

Are international data transfers carried out??

SEMANA SANTA LUXURY EXPERIENCE does not carry out international transfers of the data provided by you. If the entity had the need to carry them out, This information will be made known to you in advance., informing you of adequacy decisions, guarantee, binding corporate rules or specific applicable situations, providing you with the means of obtaining a copy relating to such details.