Contract conditions

SEMANA SANTA LUXURY EXPERIENCE sets out the following Contract Conditions that will be applicable between the Client and SEMANA SANTA LUXURY EXPERIENCE from the reservation of the service by the Client until the completion of the provision of that service, accepting these conditions at the time of booking, through our website


SEMANA SANTA LUXURY EXPERIENCE aims to develop tourist services, specifically the realization of specialized “Tours” during Holy Week in Seville, so that their clients can live a unique experience contemplating the different processions of each day like any other Sevillian..

SEMANA SANTA LUXURY EXPERIENCE maintains Collaboration Agreements with official Tourist Guides, who accompany clients during each “Tour”, offering them the appropriate explanations to understand and learn how Holy Week is experienced in Seville and the essential characteristics of its popular religiosity..

Finally, and in order to offer a high quality experience, In “Private Tours” you can include lunch/dinner in the experience (depending on the “Tour” schedules) in the most typical and recognized restaurants in the historic center of Seville and Triana, whose management and reservation is organized by SEMANA SANTA LUXURY EXPERIENCE.


The reservation of one or more “Tours” will be made by the Client through the website, pointing out the following parameters:

  • Day on which you want to take the “Tour”.
  • If you want to join an “Open Tour” or take a “Private Tour”.
  • If you want to book a “General Tour” or a “Premium Tour”.
  • Time zone in which you want to take the “General Tour” (“The Day” or “The Night”).
  • In the “Private Tours”, the number of members of the group.
  • Identification and contact data (Name and surname, phone and email. If you request an invoice, Your D.N.I will be required. or similar identification document and your postal address).
  • In the “Private Tours”, choice of lunch/dinner in a restaurant.
  • Choice of language in which you prefer the Tour Guide to develop the “Tour”.
  • Comments/Preferences (They will be satisfied according to feasibility and availability).

The deadline to reserve a “Tour” is at 14:00h (local time) the day before the date on which the “Tour” subject to reservation takes place. After this maximum period, reservations may be accepted for SEMANA SANTA LUXURY EXPERIENCE depending on the availability and the organization necessary for the development of the “Tour”. Maximum reservation period exceeded, SEMANA SANTA LUXURY EXPERIENCE will not assume any responsibility for the impossibility or refusal of attention to the reservation or provision of the service..


Payment will be made, at the time of booking (prior to the provision of the service), through the payment gateway available on the web Payment will be made in Euros (€), via bank card or Bizum.

All “Tours” increase their price by 21%, due to the application of current taxes (I.V.A.).


Once payment is made, through the web payment gateway, the Client will receive, in the indicated email, a confirmation email with all the reservation details.


You may request modification of the following concepts of the reservation:

  • Reservation day.
  • Configuration of the “Tour” to take (Open/Private).
  • Type of “Tour” to book (General/Premium).
  • Preferred language in which you wish to take the “Tour”.
  • In the “General Tours”, the time slot in which you want to take the “Tour” (The Day/The Night).

The above modifications will be attended to based on feasibility and availability at all times.. If the modification could be satisfied, The corresponding amounts must be updated if the modification made implies an increase in the initial amounts paid in the reservation, end that will be communicated to the Client from SEMANA SANTA LUXURY EXPERIENCE. If the modification attended to implies a decrease in the initial amounts paid in the reserve, This will not give the right to any refund of the initial reservation price.. If the requested modifications cannot be met, The Client can choose to Cancel the Reservation, according to the conditions of the following section.

In “Private Tours” the modification of the number of members of the Group will be subject to the following conditions:

  • In case of increasing the number of participants in the “Tour”, The Client must pay the remaining difference between the contracted price for the initial number and the Tour price for the final number of participants..
  • The reduction in the number of participants will not imply any reduction or refund of the amount of the reservation made initially..

If you have requested Lunch/Dinner at a restaurant (Only option available for “Private Tours”), A supplement will be requested as a reservation, which will not be returned if this concept is modified and, finally, do not go to the restaurant.

Modifications must be communicated to SEMANA SANTA LUXURY EXPERIENCE through: Requests will be attended to and resolved by informing the Client through the same means of communication..

SEMANA SANTA LUXURY EXPERIENCE may modify the contracted service for reasons of adverse weather, offering an alternative “tour” depending on the processions that can be seen on the street or the Churches that allow the visit to the Processional Steps inside.. These modifications will be carried out in accordance with those established in the Meteorological Conditions Policy [link to policy].


The Client may cancel his reservation, which will entail a full refund of the price paid if it is done prior to the 15 calendar days prior to Palm Sunday. The refund will be paid within the maximum period of 15 business days. For organizational reasons, reservations made during 15 calendar days prior to Palm Sunday, or during Holy Week, will not give the right to any refund of the price.

If you have requested Lunch/Dinner at a restaurant (Only option available for “Private Tours”) and cancel your reservation, The reservation supplement will be refunded as long as the cancellation is made before 14:00h (local time) the day before the “tour” takes place.

Lack of assistance, of all the Clients of the “Tour” or of any of them, at the beginning of each “Tour” will not give the right to a refund of the amount paid in the reservation.

Cancellations must be communicated to SEMANA SANTA LUXURY EXPERIENCE through: They will be attended to and resolved by informing the Client through the same means of communication..

SEMANA SANTA LUXURY EXPERIENCE may cancel the provision of the tourist service due to possible adverse weather at the time. This cancellation will be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Meteorological Conditions Policy. [link to policy].

The prior unavailability or absence of the Tour Guide at the Meeting Point (Meeting point) to carry out the development of the “tours”, without being able to be replaced by another Tour Guide, will mean a full refund of the reservation amount, which will be satisfied within the period of 15 business days, counting from the day after the date of the “tour”.

In the “Open Tours”, SEMANA SANTA LUXURY EXPERIENCE The provision of the tourist service will be canceled when the minimum of four members for each “tour” is not reached.. This cancellation will be communicated to clients who had made the reservation during the day prior to the date of the canceled “tour”., via Email or WhatsApp. The refund of the amount paid in the reservation will be paid within the period of 15 business days, counting from the day after the date of the “tour”.


The Meeting Point of each “tour” is established by its central location, spaciousness and easy access, which favors the first contact with the Tour Guide assigned to each Group.

SEMANA SANTA LUXURY EXPERIENCE send to, via email or WhatsApp, to Clients a reminder in the hours prior to the contracted “tour”, specifying all the data and instructions necessary to locate the tour guide and start the “tour”.

The time established for each Meeting Point offers a reasonable margin of time for the beginning of each “tour”., thus, The participants in each Group must meet at the indicated place with maximum punctuality..

The delay of any of the members of the Group for more than 15 minutes from the set time will not delay the start of each “tour”, the absent person can be incorporated, if this would be possible, according to the instructions of the tour guide. SEMANA SANTA LUXURY EXPERIENCE does not assume any responsibility for unpunctuality of Clients.


During the time in which the “tour” takes place, Group members must follow the instructions/instructions of their Tour Guide, which will ensure the correct development of the “tour”.

The characteristics common to all the “tours” are the following:

Method of implementation:

Walking, with periods of time in which you will be stopped (standing) during the contemplation of the different processions.


Tours Generales: 1 y 5 kilometers approx.

Tours Premium: In between 4 y 7 kilometers approx.


Tours Generales: In between 4 y 6 hours approx.

Tours Premium: In between 7 y 10 hours approx.


Small moments of rest.

Time dedicated to lunch/dinner (if you select this option in Private Tours).


Crowds of people may occur.


Due to the fact that the “Tours” are carried out in public spaces and the volume of people passing through the streets, It is possible that, in some cases, the visibility of the processions is hindered by other people and/or occurs at a certain distance.

Due to the large public in the center of Seville and the development of each “Tour” through its streets, bathroom/toilet availability is very limited. The Guides will try to facilitate your access in hospitality establishments, malls, hotels or public facilities, although it is not the responsibility of SEMANA SANTA LUXURY EXPERIENCE such impediment.

SEMANA SANTA LUXURY EXPERIENCE describes in detail the conditions under which the “tours” are carried out and, thus, is not responsible for, due to age or physical circumstances, Clients cannot do all or part of the “tour”, not generating the right to any reduction or refund of the price paid.

The different “tours” have established an appropriate schedule and itinerary to be able to contemplate the different processions.. SEMANA SANTA LUXURY EXPERIENCE is not responsible for the impossibility of fulfilling the “tour” initially designed when it is due to circumstances attributable to the Clients. (stops or breaks requested by customers, excessively slow pace during the journey, etc.).

Equally, Nor will it be responsible for aspects that may occur and that are specified in the previous table..

The information offered by the Tourist Guides will be related to Holy Week, generally, as well as the configuration of the processions. Specifically, They will offer information related to each of the processions that are contemplated during the “tour”, his story, characteristics, curiosities, etc.

The lunch/dinner of the “tours” that include it (to choose this option in the “Private Tours”), will be organized by SEMANA SANTA LUXURY EXPERIENCE in restaurants close to the route taken on each “tour”, having previously made the reservation. All lunches/dinners will be “à la carte” (no closed menu), owing the Group (the client) pay the restaurant the cost of lunch/dinner. SEMANA SANTA LUXURY EXPERIENCE you don't get commission, nor any income for the reservation and organization of lunches/dinners. The Tour Guide who accompanies each Group will pay the restaurant for their consumption..

The Tour Guide will determine the beginning and end of the tour.. The abandonment of the “tour” by one, several or all clients, members of the “tour” during its development or, in any case, before the Tour Guide indicates its completion, will not generate the right to reduction or refund of the price paid.. SEMANA SANTA LUXURY EXPERIENCE is not responsible for any advances or delays that occur regarding the official schedules of the different processions., for reasons related to these, incidents on your journey, inclement weather or any other circumstance that causes them, alien, in any case, to the organization of the different “tours”.


Keeping in mind all of the above, It will be understood that the contracted “tour” has been developed with full satisfaction of the clients if it is not received, through the contact channels on the website, complaint or claim within the period of 5 natural days, counting from the day following the date of the “tour” carried out, not proceeding, therefore, any claim after said period.

Weather conditions

SEMANA SANTA LUXURY EXPERIENCE exposes the following Meteorological Conditions Policy that will be applicable between the Client and SEMANA SANTA LUXURY EXPERIENCE in case of adverse weather., accepting these conditions at the time of booking, through our website


The “Tours” organized by SEMANA SANTA LUXURY EXPERIENCE take place through the streets of Seville, that is to say, outdoor. Thus, They are exposed to the weather conditions that occur at all times.

Y, on the other hand, The main purpose of these “Tours” is to show the client the different Holy Week processions during their departure through the streets of Seville. Therefore, The processions themselves are subject to favorable weather conditions that allow their departure without incidents or surprises..


The objective of this Policy is to regulate the provision of the service in the event that the different “tours”, due to inclement weather, must be modified, replaced or canceled.


During the days in which Holy Week is celebrated in Seville (primavera) rain is possible, isolated or persistent, without regard to its lightness or intensity, cause considerable damage to Holy Week processions (both patrimonial and human). Thus, in situations of risk of rain or the appearance of the same in a surprising way, The different processions evaluate the possibility of modifying or suspending their processional route.

Equally, it's possible, although they are not common, that other meteorological phenomena such as wind occur and that, in a stern expression, could affect processions.


Taking into account everything described above, the modification or suspension of Holy Week processions, undoubtedly, Organized “tours” affect the correct development. That is why HOLY WEEK LUXURY EXPERIENCE contemplates the following situations that may occur:

  • Some of the processions included in the organized “tour”, modify or suspend your tour.
  • All processions included in the organized “tour”, modify or suspend your tour.


SEMANA SANTA LUXURY EXPERIENCE, in order to offer an alternative service to clients of “tours” altered by adverse weather circumstances unrelated to HOLY WEEK LUXURY EXPERIENCE, will propose the following content for the contracted “tours”:

  • Those processions that, within the time slot of the “tour” and according to travel feasibility, are carrying out their processional route or modify it. The processional steps will be visited in the Churches that, during the time slot of the tour, allow the visit and are close to the area where the “tour” takes place.
  • If all the processions included in the organized “tour” suspend their processional departure, The processional steps will be visited in the Churches that, during the time slot of the tour, allow the visit and are close to the area where the “tour” takes place.
  • HOLY WEEK LUXURY EXPERIENCE can offer clients to advance or delay the beginning of the “tour” whenever it considers that with a time modification the “tour” can be carried out contemplating other processions that do carry out their processional route..

*Lunch/dinner will not be altered due to weather conditions in those “private tours” that are included..


HOLY WEEK LUXURY EXPERIENCE may suspend the implementation of the different “tours” taking into consideration the weather predictions prepared by the AEMET. (Spanish State Meteorological Agency), when the following circumstances occur:

  • Orange or Red Alert for wind.
  • Yellow Alert, Orange or Red for rain.

To suspend the realization of the different “tours”, HOLY WEEK LUXURY EXPERIENCE will assess the information published by the AEMET and the degree of impact of such predictions on the development of the “tours” and the safety of the customer groups..


Due to the impossibility of developing the different “tours” with the contents initially organized, SEMANA SANTA LUXURY EXPERIENCE, despite offering similar alternatives, is aware that, except for those cases in which processions can be seen in the street, does not lend, in these cases, the service it offered and, thus, undertakes to refund the price of the “tour” based on the following situations:

  • In case some processions can be seen in the streets and others visiting different Churches, there will be no refund.
  • In the event that only the processional steps can be seen inside the Churches that allow the visit, there will be a return of the 25% of the price paid.
  • In case of early or late start of the “tour”, contemplating other processions to those initially organized on the street, there will be no refund.
  • In case of cancellation of the “Tour” for HOLY WEEK LUXURY EXPERIENCE, there will be a return of the 75% of the price paid.

In those cases where, according to this Policy, The client has the right to a refund of a percentage of the reservation amount, These will be satisfied within the period of 15 business days, counting from the day following the date of the modified or canceled “tour”.





Price refund


Some processions in the street and others in the Churches.


Visit of the processional steps in the Churches.


Advancement or delay of the beginning of the “tour”.



AEMET Alerts.
